May 2018 Daily Life
- Mostly good spring weather (60's F, 70 if you're lucky)
- Some very hot days, and some rainy Portland days
- New Orleans: around 90 all day, hot and muggy, mostly sunny with a few thunderstorms
- Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses
- New Girl
- Solo (movie)
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (I read a prompt that was along the lines of "if someone wanted to read a book that would tell them more about you [not necessarily your favorite book, just one that said a lot about you], which book would it be?" It has a special place in my heart.)
- The Boy Who Drew Monsters by Keith Donohue
- Death Embraced by Mary Lacoste
- Traveling to New Orleans to visit my aunt and uncle
- Cemetery tours, beignets, lots of seafood, alligators :)
- May went so quickly, I'm not sure I remember the rest of it
- Tour of St. Louis Cemetery #1
- Museum of Death visit and Historic Museum of Voodoo
- Swamp boat tour
- Discovering the alarm clock app that literally changed my life and solved the lifelong problem of waking up on time (this is huge)
- Family visit