Posts in life
June 2018 Daily Life


  • Surprisingly wet and rainy for the summer? 
  • A few truly beautiful days


  • New Girl
  • Deadpool 2 (movie)
  • Hereditary (movie)
  • Queer Eye Season 2


  • Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart
  • Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
  • A Death Along the River Fleet by Susanna Calkins


  • Starting to prep for our move in earnest


  • Tyler's birthday! Hale Pele night!
  • Rose garden visit
  • Grace's birthday
  • Belle & Sebastian concert at the zoo


  • Reading more
  • Making decisions
May 2018 Daily Life


  • Mostly good spring weather (60's F, 70 if you're lucky)
  • Some very hot days, and some rainy Portland days
  • New Orleans: around 90 all day, hot and muggy, mostly sunny with a few thunderstorms


  • Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses
  • New Girl
  • Solo (movie)


  • The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (I read a prompt that was along the lines of "if someone wanted to read a book that would tell them more about you [not necessarily your favorite book, just one that said a lot about you], which book would it be?" It has a special place in my heart.)
  • The Boy Who Drew Monsters by Keith Donohue
  • Death Embraced by Mary Lacoste


  • Traveling to New Orleans to visit my aunt and uncle
  • Cemetery tours, beignets, lots of seafood, alligators :)
  • May went so quickly, I'm not sure I remember the rest of it


  • Tour of St. Louis Cemetery #1
  • Museum of Death visit and Historic Museum of Voodoo
  • Swamp boat tour


  • Discovering the alarm clock app that literally changed my life and solved the lifelong problem of waking up on time (this is huge)
  • Family visit
March 2018 Daily Life

March was a reminder of how quickly time passes. It was largely quiet and unproductive. Late winter is such a deceptive and difficult time, although I feel out of the slump now. This post is a bit late.



  • Rainy, a few good days but mostly typical Portland spring


  • Worst Cooks in America 
  • The Office (again, perpetually)


  • Ghosts Know by Ramsey Campbell
  • Dark Tides by Chris Ewan
  • Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
  • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle (and the movie!) 


  • my birthday! Party + new tattoo


  • Working on Monster of the Week game
  • Finishing my Oregon Archaeological society class
  • Studying Welsh on Duolingo
  • Stilllll playing Breath of the Wild


  • Developing productive habits


February 2018 Daily Life

This is something I used to do and keep in my planner, but will now be recording here. Time passes quickly to me and I wanted a way of recording what daily life looked like for Tyler and me (we may be lame old fogeys, but this usually consists of what shows we're watching, what outings we're usually taking, what the overall weather was, etc). I've loved looking back at the rhythm of our lives and writing down these snapshots of each month has just been lovely.  

January of this year was just a resting period for us, so I'm not sad that I didn't record it. But I'll start again here with February Daily Life. These categories I established are arbitrary, but I found that they helped summarize the overall ambiance of the month well.


  • Surprisingly beautiful and warm for winter
  • Snow mid-month


  • The Good Place: I finally convinced Tyler to watch this with me and we're both SO glad I did! (I convinced him by mentioning that it takes place in the same universe as Parks & Rec - there's a Dennis Feinstein ad in one of the shots.)
  • Queer Eye
  • Charlie Luxton's Homes by the Sea: This is a genre I'm realizing is strongly in my wheelhouse; British real estate shows. Any and every kind.
  • Altered Carbon


  • The Mummy Congress by Heather Pringle
  • Ghosts Know by Ramsey Campbell
  • The Other Side of History, a Great Courses lecture by Robert Garland

Notable Events

  • Jury duty
  • Taking friends to Bollywood Theater
  • Brunch at The Bad Habit Room


  • Playing LOTS of Breath of the Wild
  • Oregon Archaeological Society class on Saturdays
  • Figuring out lease shenanigans


  • Finishing a huge closet clean-out
  • Getting productivity back
lifeLauren BurlesonComment
Wednesday 21 February 2018

We've gotten a bit of snow here the last few days. Portland typically gets one or two snow days per winter (nothing more than an inch or two excepting last year), so it's always bit of a treat. I broke my camera out of hibernation and got a few snaps (mostly Pepper, to be honest). I'm curious how much snow I'll be seeing this time next year and what the differences will be.

lifeLauren BurlesonComment